The Organization of Romanian Americans (“ORA”) was formed in April 2008 as a non-profit public benefits corporation in the State of California with the express purposes of advancing the interests of Romanians and our community within the United States while at the same time striving to expose and educate Romanians and the general public about Romanian culture, music, arts, cuisine, history, scientific and technological achievements, etc…
For years, countless members of the Romanian community expressed the immense need for an energetic organization committed to the zealous advocacy our community’s interests. Accordingly, a group of dedicated Romanians – with the help of others closely associated with the Romanian community – assumed the responsibility of forming ORA and developing the foundation for our future success.
ORA strives to develop mutually beneficial relationships in which everyone involves profits, and to remain steadfast in following our guiding principles of unity, respect, integrity, and passion to create an environment of professionalism and success, and to achieve our goals.
As such, ORA requests that those who share our values and unswerving desire to serve and advance the position of Romanians and our community within the United States, to contact us and become involved in what we believe will be the foremost organization of its kind.
Organizatia Romanilor din America “ O.R.A.” s-a format in aprilie 2008 ca si o corporatie publica non-profit in statul California, avand ca scopuri promovarea intereselor romanilor si a comunitatii noastre din Statele Unite, precum si prezentarea istoriei, arta si cultura romaneasca, bucataria traditionala si realizarile compatriotilor nostri in domeniul stiintific si tehnologic atat pentru romanii din zona Sacramento cat si pentru americanii in mijlocul carora ne-am asezat si ne desfasuram activitatea. De-a lungul anilor, nenumarati reprezentanti ai comunitatii romanesti au exprimat nevoia si dorinta pentru o organizatie dinamica care sa apere cu pasiune interesele comunitatii noastre. De aceea, un grup de romani entuziasti, cu ajutorul unor prieteni de alte nationalitati si-au asumat responsabilitatea crearii acestei organizatii si asezarea fundatiei pentru viitorul ei succes.
Organizatia Romanilor din America “ O.R.A.” isi propune sa dezvolte relatii de cooperare reciproca astfel ca toti cei implicati sa beneficieze de succesul acestei organizatii care doreste sa stea ferma pe principiile de unitate, respect, integritate si pasiune in crearea unui mediu de profesionalism pentru atingerea scopurilor noastre.In vederea atingerii acestor scopuri, Organizatia Romanilor din America “O.R.A.” cheama pe toti cei care impartasesc aceste valori si au dorinta de a servi la inaintarea pozitiei comunitatii romanesti in Statele Unite sa ne contacteze si sa se implice ca aceasta organizatie sa fie un succes de neegalat.
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