Our mission is to establish the Organization of Romanian Americans (“ORA”) as the premier organization in the world dedicated to promoting and protecting the interests of Romanians and the Romanian community within the United States.
In achieving our purpose, ORA will be driven by the following guiding principles.
Unity: Embrace diversity as an essential element in the way we operate and to create an environment free of religious, political and ethnic divides.
Respect: Recognize the equality of all our members and to treat each other with dignity and the highest regard.
Integrity: Honesty and openness in all of our operations and dealings not only within our organization but also everyone with whom we work.
Passion: Pride ourselves on demanding the highest standards of excellence in everything we do and on being aggressive advocates for Romanians and our community.
Ownership: Develop enthusiastic members and the understanding that our organization belongs to the Romanian community and is reflection upon us.
Scopul nostru este ca Organizatia Romanilor din America (“ORA”) sa fie recunoscuta ca organizatie Internationala, dedicata sa promoveze si sa protejeze interesele romanilor si comunitatii romane din Statele Unite.
In a ne atinge scopurile “ORA” are intentia de a se ghida dupa urmatoarele principii.
Unitate: Imbratisam diversitatea ca si element esential in felul in care vom opera ca sa creem un mediu fara divizari religioase, etnice sau politice.
Respect: Fiecare membru este tratat cu demnitate, cu cel mai inalt respect si recunoaste egalitatea tuturor membrilor.
Integritate: Presupune onestitatea si deschiderea tuturor functiilor si relatiilor, nu numai in cadrul organizatiei noastre, dar si cu toti colaboratorii.
Pasiune: Presupune devotament, demnitate, agresivitate in tot ceea ce intreprindem la un inalt standard de calitate pentru sustinerea, apararea si sprijinirea romanilor si comunitatii noastre.
Egalitate: Presupune sa alegem membri dedicati care sa inteleaga ca aceasta organizatie este in totalitate a comunitttii romane si ne evidentiaza pe noi ca romani.
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